Tuesday, April 28, 2009


When getting this assignment at the beginning of the year I was not very excited to plaster my thoughts on books out there for the whole world to see. I was really nervous about making people angry. But as the year went on I felt much more comfortable with expressing my true thoughts and feelings about the books that I read. Also, by having to do this it made me actually sit down and read and think about all sorts of books. It has taught me about different genres of books that I now love and can't wait to put into my classroom.

It is true that sometimes I found it hard to sit down and really get into some books. Some I just did not want to write about at all because I really just did not have anything to say about them. I never realized all of the different kinds of books that there were out there and the different things that sparked my interest. It was also cool to read some of the other posts that people wrote and how their thoughts compared to mine. I liked how blogging is so easy and laid back (unlike writing it out on paper). I even got my niece and nephew interested and they started their own blogs (one on pokemon and the other on horses). If anyone out there is interested I will give you more information...ha.

I thought that it was so funny how excited I got when I had a new follower. At the beginning of all of this I was scared to death that I would say something bad about and book and the author would invite me and then hate me but I wasn't too worried about that by the end. I realized that everyone likes different kind of books. It is based on your personality and all else.

I didn't mind that all of my friends made fun of me for having my own blog because I think secretly they wished that they could do something like this in there own class and have there own.

So I haven't decided yet if I will continue on with this blog. I think that it would be a great resource for my students and myself to have to look back on when I do become a teacher. I also think that I will have my students (if old enough) create their own blogs. I think that overall it is fun to do and interesting to be able to go out and look at different things that people are saying. I never realized how many people blogged. A thing that I used to think just geeks did, I realized wasn't SO bad. So, I am glad that I took this class. It made me work a lot and do a lot of reading, but that will only help me from the future. It made me think about the books that I read and myself in the books and how others could connect as well which I think is AWESOME!

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