The story is about a little girl who doesn't think there is anything special in her house (which she is very wrong about) to take to show and tell at school. She is the only one in her class that hasn't done a show and tell yet. Finally after asking her older brother what she should take, she decides to take a bottle of rotten teeth in to show everyone. The teacher gets very upset but the class loved the idea and praises her for being such a great story teller. She goes through many different emotions in the story but in the end realizes that she is a great story teller.
The pictures in this book were very cool. There was so much detail in them and it was just interesting to see the aspect that the illustrator was drawing them from. I think that it can really show kids that they can do anything if they just try. I think that this book could be for younger grade school but there are a lot of words on each page.
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