Thursday, April 9, 2009

The Worrywarts by Pamela Duncan Edwards

So unless you are learning about W words, I found this book to be really annoying. Every word of the sentence trying to start with a W just is not a good book for me. The book was about three friends who want to explore the world but don't know exactly what that is. They talk about what they are going to take with them and what could happen to them while on their journey.

I don't even know what to say about his book, I wanted to stop reading it several times throughout but I just kept pressing on to the end to finish. I pulled it off the shelf in the first place because I thought that the picture on the front was hilarious because it was the three critters with the deer in the head lights look. But to me, this book was not very funny. I don't know, maybe it was because I am kind of tired right now but I think that reading a whole book that is based on one letter is kind of boring overall. It might help some kids with reading, but for me it did nothing.

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